Eight new measures of Executive Functioning, Visuospatial Processing and Memory and Learning.Increased domain coverage from five to six (addition of Social Perception).Record Form formats included for different age ranges. NEPSY-II is used for general, diagnostic and selective, or full assessments - from a basic overview of a child's neurological status to a full comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. Obtain a comprehensive view of quantitative and qualitative patterns of neuropsychological performance.Facilitate recommendations for mental health interventions.Link results to educational difficulties.Vary the number of subtests according to the needs of the child.Assess executive functioning/attention, language, memory/learning, sensorimotor functioning, visuospatial processing, social perception.NEPSY-II results - combined with quantifiable behavioral observations analysis during assessment and observations analysis from home and school - help clarify the nature of a child's problems and provide a basis for developing appropriate intervention recommendations.